Performance Art Theater · Landmark & Historical Place

Drunkard Audition Form
Auditions for the Drunkard are held
Every Wednesday
6:30PM at the Tulsa Spotlight Theater
1381 Riverside Dr
Tulsa, OK 74106
If you would like to audition for our play, we would love to have you join us. We are looking for experienced actors as well as those with no acting experience. We will train you. We have openings for all roles. There is a rotating cast with several actors for each of the roles and we perform our show every Saturday night. This means that a person can take as long as needed to prepare with no pressure for deadlines. Having multiple actors for each part also gives a degree of freedom in planning for nights when you can’t do the show, or when you really want to be on stage. The cast schedule is prepared in advance, and allowances can be made for absences to appear in other productions.